Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Catching up

So, I am the biggest slacker blogger of all time, I think. I haven't written a word since last Wednesday! The only excuse that I can offer is that I've been busy, busy, busy -- both work and fun.

We spent last Saturday morning on the racquetball court -- #7 and I, that is. Turns out he loves the game, too, so I hauled him along with me to the gym -- after purchasing a second racquet and some work-out clothing at the nearby sporting goods store. My friend, Rhonda, who is my RB buddy and teacher, brought her teenage daughter -- we sent the kids to another court while Rhonda and I got down to business.

I'm doing so much better.

I actually scored six points against Rhonda.

Instead of my customary five.

I see the progress here. Don't you?

I haven't had the opportunity to ride my horse lately, but I'm hoping to get some time in very soon. (Hint to my nephew: you so do NOT need that job that is taking up all your time; paychecks are overrated. Aunt Cath needs to ride!)

I finished reading the Ian Rutledge Mystery series that is written by Charles Todd.  I'm so sad it's over!!! It's a fantastic series -- the best I've read, I think.  Please hurry up, Mr. Todd, and write the next volume because I'm going to waste away to nothing, pining for the next book.

And now -- time for work!

- Catherine

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I'm impressed with your racquetball score...it's not an easy sport.

I will check out the Ian Rutledge mysteries...I love mysteries and that is not ringing a bell. Thanks for the tip!