Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Good Friday. The most solemn day of the Christian year.

Our church puts together a Prayer Path on Good Friday: a specific pathway that one follows alone while listening to a CD over headphones. The path takes you through 11 different stations, intended to give you an hour to commune quietly with God and to reflect on Christ's work on the Cross.

I'm acting as host until 2:00 today, which means I'm greeting people and helping them get started on the path. And, although I organized and help set up the different areas of the Prayer Path -- so I know it pretty well already -- I will also spend a quiet hour following the path today, relishing some time alone with my Savior.

Good Friday. Good to reflect on all He has done for each one of us. Good to remember why He did it. Good to know that we are forgiven and forever reconciled with our Creator.

- Catherine