Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Fair is starting on Saturday

18 gallons of tartar sauce.

Tartar sauce is a huge mess because it can only be ladled in to the jar by the "glop-full."

20 gallons of fry sauce.

This is about 3.5 gallons of fry sauce (a mixture of ketchup, mayo, and horseradish)

12 tubs of cocktail sauce

My sister-in-law making yet another tub of cocktail sauce.

13 pounds of cream cheese spread.

I don't have a picture of that, but suffice it to say that it's as messy as anything else, and, ultimately, as delicious. The recipe comprises cream cheese, heavy cream, onion powder and dill weed.

The booth will be inspected today for health, electrical and I don't know what else.

And then we'll be up and running!

- Catherine

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