Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Waffles and ....?

My cousin, Karen, posted a Facebook status update this morning about waffles -- specifically about the quality (or lack thereof) of the frozen kind. Comments erupted from all over, including from yours truly, extolling the goodness of homemade waffles over even the best of the frozen brands.

It seems funny to me that some of the longest FB threads have to do with food. Have you noticed that? I had one the other day that stemmed from my own status update in which I exalted over successfully smoking a batch of ribs on the grill.

What is it about food that causes such passion? I mean, these were lowly waffles that we were talking about today, but everybody and their uncle weighed in. So much so that Karen's later update confessed her amazement about peoples' passion for waffles. Another long thread erupted from that update, too -- which veered off to pork roll and other New Jersey style delicacies that we natives still crave.

As it turns out, Karen's eldest brother, Jim, makes some of the best waffles I've tasted. He graciously put his recipe out there on FB for all of us. I've got to figure out how to convert it to gluten-free flours -- and if I succeed, I will have an amazing waffle to offer to the world. Especially topped with our own frozen peaches.

Bon appetit!

- Catherine

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