Sunday, June 21, 2009

Greetings from Park City

More rain, and still more. The world is a sodden mass of mud and dripping leaves. I am afraid that when summer temperatures finally arrive, it will become very, very hot, very, very quickly.

Tim and I have arrived in Park City for our summer gig (I run a three-week conference for mathematicians and math educators). In the 13 summers that I have been doing this, I have never arrived in the rain. Generally, rain squalls appear in the afternoons during the "monsoon" season that starts in mid-July. So this unrelenting, day after day wet stuff in June is truly crazy!

But here we are, gearing up for the annual event. Tomorrow we start 'load-in' -- i.e. getting all our equipment into the conference center, where we also set up a temporary office so that all staff are on-site for the duration. It's an intense conference for the participants, and no less intense for the staff.

Tim is an alumnus of this program -- he is a mathematics teacher and was a participant before I actually came on staff, so we first met at a 1998 reunion that was held in San Francisco. The first summer after we were married, he went back to being a participant. By the end of that summer, he had identified several ways that he could be of help with the event itself (he has broad work experience), so now we do this together. The first summer was, well, a little tense -- I wasn't used to sharing my living space and, as I mentioned, this is intense work for the time we are up here. We don't live on a normal schedule and I am always on call. But, we have settled in nicely, and this is our 8th summer of working the job together.

Yesterday I did my annual shopping spree in the outlet mall here (necessities, all, except for the dress I found on clearance and couldn't resist).

We will probably go to church this morning -- for the last four summers we've attended the local Vineyard church on the four or five Sundays that we are here. Some of the folk there actually remember us from year to year, which is nice. I have to say that I hate going out in the rain and would be content to sit on the couch this morning and read my Bible, but I suspect Tim will have other ideas.

It is time to start the day here in "water world." Maybe the sun will come out again one day?

PS -- my mom is feeling pretty good for the time being. We very much appreciate everyone's continued prayers.

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