Saturday, March 21, 2009

Coming apart at the seams

Actually, it's not all that dire. I'm just so exhausted that I can't keep my head up much longer. I got exactly two hours of sleep last night, for reasons still unknown to me. I simply was awake most of the night. And then I spent ALL day cutting fabric and sewing.

Our church looked like a sweatshop today, honestly. Six sewing machines set up on six folding tables, with six people sewing plus two people cutting fabric (it took us 4 hours to cut everything), one person pinning the fabric in preparation for the sewing, and one (one-armed) guy catering lunch to the hungry workers.

We're preparing the structure for our Good Friday prayer walk, and my husband dreamed up a series of movable room dividers that would be hung with drapery. Lovely. Except he's not the one doing the sewing! We have to complete 75 of these panels.

So, this morning we set out the M&Ms (very practical when you're sewing since they melt in your mouth and not in your hands), made a pot of coffee, and snacked on homemade peach coffee cake. I made Tim bring us a yummy lunch from Costco, and then he came back later in the day to help us put everything away.

This was, in essence, a modern day "sewing bee," and we had a blast. I think we laughed all day and I would definitely do it again just for the fun of it. We certainly got to know each other better, and that's always good in the church community. Plus, I'm a novice sewer, and I had many patient and willing mentors to help me today.

I learned a lot today - and not just how to sew a straight seam.

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